Over the past couple of years many people have become more concerned with the amount
of trees that have been cut down annually. These people believe we should not worry about the amount of trees we are losing
every year; they take for granted that these tree have had millions of years of growth. On average one American uses 618 pounds
of paper a year. The population of the United States is 293,027,571. 618 (pounds of paper) multiplied by 293,027,571 (people
in America) equals 181,091,038,878 pounds of paper a year, and that is just in America alone. Over 40% of all tropical forests
have been destroyed; another acre is lost each second. Four billion trees are cut down every year to make paper products,
and as many as 70,000 people nationwide may die prematurely from heart and lung disease aggravated by particulate air pollution.