Plant A Tree!

Lend A Hand!

Global Warming
Lend A Hand!
The Process

How we can all help to reduce global warming...

Use fossil fuels more efficiently and switch to renewable fuels.

  • Global warming is mostly a result of human activities that release heat trapping gases and particles into the air.


  • The most dominant of these activities is the burning of fossil fuels (gas, coal, and oil)


  • Use appropriate technology whenever possible, to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxides.

Protect older trees and forests as “carbon warehouses".

  • Trees create oxygen and they clean soil, which means they absorb all the harmful chemicals from the sun.


  • To produce its food, a tree absorbs and stores away carbon dioxide in its bark, roots, and leaves.


  • Trees also freshen the air by sending clean particles out and taking in the particles we don’t need.


Plant trees, especially in the tropics to offset the carbon dioxide we produce.

  • The "environmental" way to plant a tree is usually just the best way to plant a tree to ensure health and rapid growth.  Although it is usually an ignored fact, the planting hole should be large and the tree should be small in size.


  • A smaller specimen planted in a wide hole has a greater growth rate, which causes it to convert CO2 at a faster rate.


Sitka spruce trees.